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Leadership, Life Balance & Identity Alignment Coach.

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Rosa Osterling, also known as RO, is a visionary entrepreneur and an unstoppable force in the world of empowered leadership. With a passion for guiding highly successful women to conquer both business and life with grace, RO has become a beacon of inspiration and empowerment.

As a proud Latina and single mom, RO's personal journey has been one of resilience and triumph. She understands the challenges and pressures faced by ambitious women, and her transformative experiences have ignited her mission to help others rise above adversity and claim their power.

Over the course of two decades, RO has devoted herself to the pursuit of personal development and growth. Her dedication to continuous learning and self-improvement has led her to work alongside some of the most influential leaders worldwide, including Robbins Research International (a Tony Robbins Company), Rich Dad, Poor Dad (a Robert Kiyosaki Company), and other top names in the industry. Drawing from this wealth of wisdom and experience, RO has honed a unique and powerful approach that seamlessly blends energetics and strategies.

Her brand, symbolized by the lion and lioness, embodies the essence of balanced leadership – a harmonious fusion of both masculine and feminine energies. Just like her logo, RO empowers her clients to embrace the strength of the lion and the nurturing nature of the lioness, striking the perfect equilibrium between doing and allowing, and creating a life of abundance and fulfillment.

At the heart of RO's work is the belief that success knows no bounds, regardless of one's circumstances. She guides her clients to discover their innate potential and overcome limiting beliefs, so they can shine as exceptional leaders in both their personal and professional spheres.

RO's empowering support and unwavering dedication have transformed the lives of countless women, allowing them to navigate through life's storms with unwavering courage and grace.

Empower your brand's growth: Coaching Services for Influencers & Entrepreneurs

Her personal story hasn’t been a fairy tale.

She empowers her clients to conquer challenges, embrace their superpowers, and unleash their inner lion and lioness, fearlessly pursuing their dreams. With a strong commitment to making a lasting impact, RO's mission extends far beyond mere superficial changes. She seeks to touch the core of her clients' beings, facilitating transformative shifts that propel them towards a life of purpose and fulfillment.

As you embark on your journey with RO, you'll discover a relentless ally, a confidante, and a guiding light, all rolled into one. Her belief in your limitless potential will inspire you to reach new heights and seize every opportunity that comes your way.

RO's empowering philosophy revolves around embracing both your doing and allowing, creating a balanced existence where success flows effortlessly. She encourages her clients to trust the process, to stand tall in their power, and to let go of self-doubt, for they are destined for greatness.

For RO, leadership isn't about seeking external validation or waiting for someone to rescue you. It's about embracing your authentic self, stepping into your power, and becoming the master of your destiny. Her work is a testament to the truth that greatness lies within each of us, waiting to be uncovered and embraced.

"If you want to succeed in life and become successful, you need to own and accept who you are and see your challenges and struggles as lessons.

Life is not about ignoring unwanted emotions, it's about learning how to navigate through them, just like a ship in a storm!"

Through her transformative coaching, empowering seminars, and inspirational content, RO ignites the spark of greatness within her clients, guiding them to create lives of abundance, joy, and purpose. With her unwavering support, you'll discover the courage to conquer challenges, the resilience to rise from setbacks, and the wisdom to lead with grace.

As you embark on this life-changing journey with Rosa Osterling, get ready to embrace your inner lion and lioness. Success awaits those who dare to believe in themselves and those who are unafraid to shine as empowered leaders, making a profound impact on the world.

Are you ready to write your own success story? With Rosa Osterling by your side, there are no limits to what you can achieve. Your empowered future awaits!

"Rosa is here to support you in achieving success – Period!"

Message from Founder

Whether you desire personalized guidance or the support of my team to achieve your business goals, create a thriving employee culture, create work-life balance, reach new financial heights, find meaningful relationships, or embark on a fresh start, we are fully devoted to delivering results that empower you.

The first step is to have a conversation, ensuring we’re an ideal fit for your aspirations. Click below or scroll down to access all my contact info.

Thank you for getting to know me; this is just the start of our journey together.

Besitos, XO


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